Dr Christopher Wang
Cardiologist & Cardiovascular Imaging Specialist
Dr Christopher Wang is a Cardiologist based in Melbourne. Dr Wang sees patients with all types of heart conditions including valvular heart diseases, general cardiology, coronary artery disease, cardiovascular risk assessment, and heart failure.
For information on consulting locations and making an appointment, please contact our office at Heart of Melbourne.
Dr Christopher Wang completed his medical training in Australia, graduating with B.Med.Sc and MBBS at the University of Melbourne.
He is a fellow of the Royal Australian College of Physicians, completing his physicians training at the Western & Sunshine Hospitals in Melbourne, followed by cardiology training at Gold Coast University Hospital and The Prince Charles Hospital in Brisbane.
Dr Wang has also done further subspecialty training, with a fellowship in advanced cardiac imaging (echocardiography, cardiac CT and cardiac MRI) at Liverpool Hospital, Sydney.
Dr Wang has a strong interest in preventative cardiology, multi-modality cardiac imaging, ischaemic heart disease, valvular heart disease, heart failure and arrhythmias.
Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)
Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (FRACP)
General and Clinical Cardiology
Stress Testing
Shortness of breath
Acute Coronary Syndrome
Heart failure
Dr Wang does not routinely bulk bill, however he discounts for pensioners and healthcare cardholders. You do not need to have private health insurance for an appointment.
You can only obtain the Medicare refund if you have been referred by another medical practitioner so please bring along your referral with you on the day.
Private Hospital Care
Dr Wang participates in the 'No-GAP' cover with most of the private health insurance companies. This means that any ‘out of pocket’ doctor’s fees for your medical care in a private hospital will be kept to a minimum. Our office will provide further details at the time of your admission.