Dr Matthew Sawyer
Endocrinologist and Diabetes Specialist
Dr Matthew Sawyer is an Endocrinologist and Diabetes Specialist based in Melbourne. Dr Sawyer sees patients with all types of endocrinology and diabetes related conditions and runs Weight Loss Clinic.
For information on consulting locations and making an appointment, please contact our office at Heart of Melbourne.
Dr Matthew Sawyer is an Endocrinologist and diabetes specialist, experienced in all areas of endocrinology.
Dr Sawyer initially worked as a pharmacist for a number of years after graduating from Monash University’s Victorian College of Pharmacy with First Class Honours. He went on to study medicine at Deakin University and subsequently completed his specialist physician training at Monash Health, Eastern Health and St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne.
Dr Sawyer’s research has been published in international and national journals and he has presented at various conferences. He has broad clinical interests and welcomes referrals in all areas of endocrinology.
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)
Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (FRACP)
Bachelor of Pharmacy (with Honours)
Graduate Certificate in Pharmacy Practice
Dr Sawyer is affiliated with the following hospitals:
Knox Private Hospital, Wantirna
Werribee Mercy Hospital, Werribee
Diabetes - all types
Thyroid and parathyroid disease
Osteoporosis and bone health
Weight management and metabolic risk
Lipid disorders
Adrenal disorders
Pituitary disease
Men’s and women’s hormonal issues
Endocrine disorders in pregnancy, including gestational diabetes
Electrolyte disorders of sodium, calcium and phosphate imbalance
Dr Sawyer does not routinely bulk bill, however he discounts for pensioners and healthcare cardholders. You do not need to have private health insurance for an appointment.
You can only obtain the Medicare refund if you have been referred by another medical practitioner so please bring along your referral with you on the day.
Private Hospital Care
Dr Sawyer participates in the 'No-GAP' cover with most of the private health insurance companies. This means that any ‘out of pocket’ doctor’s fees for your medical care in a private hospital will be kept to a minimum. Our office will provide further details at the time of your admission.